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Bad Medicine

A digital instillation of a physical exhibit produced for the Mütter Museum. The exhibit explores medicine that ended up doing more harm than good. See the exhibit here


The Romance of Radium: Exploring Radium Through Ephemera, 2020

Curator of a physical exhibit for the Mütter Museum. Romance of Radium highlighted ephemeral items from the collection such as Bailey Radium Laboratories and photographs, letters, and advertisements collected by Frank  H. Hartman.


Imperfecta, 2016

Co-curator for a two year exhibit in the Mütter Museum main gallery. Imperfecta used texts and specimens to illustrate the history of Teratology from antiquity until today. Check out some highlighters here.


#TravelTuesday, 2018-2020

Contributor to the blog Fugitive Leaves by the Historical Medical Library. #TravelTuesday was a series published to highlight health resorts from the collection. You can see posts here.


Deliverance Through Diet

A digital instillation of a physical exhibit produced for the Mütter Museum. The exhibit explores The Battle Creek Sanitarium, home of Frosted Corn Flakes. See the exhibit here.


Plants and Medicine, 2019

Curator of a physical exhibit for an event sponsored by Longwood Gardens in the Mütter Museum. Plants and Medicine highlighted medicine through ephemera that used botanical elements for their composition.


Food and War. At home...and on the front, 2016

Curator of a physical exhibit in the Mütter Museum. Food and War highlighted ephemera that illustrated campaign efforts for victory gardens, food rations, and diets during the Civil War, World War I, and World War ll.


Quacks and Quackery, 2018

Curator of a physical exhibit in the Mütter Museum. Quacks used ephemera to highlight medicine peddled for cures that were falsely advertised.

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